Leadership development

We will work with you to develop the leaders you need for your firm or business.

Do your bright people know how to lead effectively?

Many leaders are in their role because they are outstanding at the technical part of their job or at managing clients. But leadership requires different skills and abilities: thinking strategically, inspiring teams to deliver, driving improvements, coaching, tackling problems and managing change. These skills have often been underdeveloped in the early stages of a lawyer’s or professional’s career. In addition for some leaders, former strengths can become weaknesses.

So why do you want a leadership development programme?

If you are considering a leadership development programme now, it is likely that something is happening in the business which is challenging your leaders. A programme to help leaders implement strategy or change culture or improve performance or cope with a pandemic or downturn will each need a different focus and approach. Alternatively you may simply want to equip aspiring leaders with the skills for leading a team or a department or office. The specific business aims will affect how we design your programme.

What are you expecting of your leaders?

At the outset we need a clear understanding of what good leadership looks like in your business so we can develop your leaders to meet those expectations. If you are not yet clear on what you want, we can use interviews, focus groups or surveys to help you define your leadership model and requirements.

What are the barriers?

Your leaders will have talents but there may be some things that they find more difficult. We can use various personality and assessment techniques to identify each leader’s strengths and development needs. Through 1-1 feedback sessions, coaching, and follow-up actions each leader can personalise their learning experience on the leadership programme.

What would a leadership development programme look like?

Research tells us that the best leaders learned their skills from a combination of learning on the job and learning discussions. Given your business and development needs – and budget – we will design with you the best combination of webinars, workshops, 1-1 coaching, mentoring, action learning sets and projects or assignments to develop the leaders you need.

Programmes can have a particular focus, for example:

  • Leadership style
  • Emerging leaders
  • Team leadership
  • Leading a department
  • Leading projects
  • Leading change
  • Leading hybrid or remote teams